cover image: Understanding the growing radical flank of the climate movement as the world burns


Understanding the growing radical flank of the climate movement as the world burns

26 Jul 2023

We are living through a summer of climate shocks. Around the world, heat records on land and sea have shattered and severe storms fueled by heatwave-warmed waters have caused 1000-year floods. Other regions are experiencing extreme drought that is exacerbating wildfires, which are setting off air quality alerts for millions of people (including the residents in 18 states in the U.S.). With the onset of El Nino, scientists warn that this summer is only the beginning.
climate change u.s. states and territories governance studies center for effective public management climate disasters & environment climate action & justice u.s. government & politics


Quinn Renaghan, Dana R. Fisher

Published in
United States of America

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