PowerPoint Presentation How to Apply for HUD Healthy Housing Funding Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building Grant Agenda • Welcome • Fireside Chat: Why a capacity building funding opportunity, and how can municipalities use this funding to build local lead hazard programs? • Victoria Jackson, Government Technical Representative, HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control & Healthy Homes • Denise Williams,. [...] Conducting targeted outreach, marketing, and education, or development of outreach programs on lead hazard control and lead poisoning prevention that are designed to increase the ability of the program to deliver lead hazard control services to local targeted communities. [...] Enrollment Data System • Developing the mechanism or capacity for data sharing and linking eligible families • Developing and implement a system or process for intake pipeline(s) e.g., referrals of children under age six years with elevated blood lead levels (EBLs) • Establish a system or process to move applicants through the process efficiently Training Development • Example Target Geographic •. [...] HUD - OLHCHH 20 Rating Factor 1 • Program Administration and Oversight • Community Outreach/Marketing of Program • Contractor Capacity and Public Private Parentships • Relevant Organization Experience Rating Factor 2 Narrative Need/Extent of the Problem Target Area Data Response (Other Barriers/Capacity Issues) Program Narrative Responses • Provide Fiscal Oversight and Management • Provide Section. [...] Jackson@hud.gov • Open Discussion • Questions? • Local examples of ideas you have for a potential capacity building program? NLC Healthy Housing Local Action Challenge Whether you’re already addressing your community’s healthy housing needs or are in the initial stages, when you accept the Local Action Challenge you’ll get: • Support in the form of a structured framework to accelerate your work, p.
- Pages
- 36
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- United States of America