cover image: IBH-Website-OHT-Session-3-workbook---Equity-diversity-inclusion



13 Jul 2023

Equity- seeking groups are those that identify barriers to equal access, opportunities and resources due to disadvantage and discrimination and actively seek social justice and reparation.” See: equity-seeking groups | Canada Council for the Arts Here are some reflection questions that may help you and your organization (or Ontario Health Team) guide your EDI strategies: 1) What is the socio-econo. [...] How will this be considered amongst the priorities of your organization (or OHTs)? 4) How do the equity deserving groups in your community prefer to be engaged? Section 2: Power and Privilege POWER “Access to privileges such as information/ knowledge, connections, experience and expertise, resources and decision-making that enhance a person’s chances of getting what they need to live a comfortable. [...] ☐ I am comfortable talking about my partners/dating relationships and sexual orientation with friends, family and co-workers.2 ☐ I have never had to “come out” about my sexuality.4 ☐ I am guaranteed to easily find sexuality education materials for couples of my sexual orientation.3 ☐ People of my sexual orientation are well represented in positions of power in my workplace.3 ☐ My first language is. [...] Pause & Reflect How are your experiences, values, and beliefs contributing your conclusions? Is there anything that’s been shared that you quickly disregarded and need to reconsider? What are the other perspectives you can consider regarding what has been shared? Are there further questions you can ask to gain a deeper understanding of what is being shared? 11 1. [...] Key Components of the Framework and How to Operationalize Them Concept 1: Trust Ensuring everyone feels safe and supported Relying on others to care for you Treating people with dignity and respect Believing Loving Cultivating openness and honesty People knowing they can share whatever they need to share Improved when both people have had the same experiences Assum.



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