cover image: IBH-Website-OHT-Session-6-workbook---Engagement-Methods



13 Jul 2023

After the group rotates to a new table, the facilitator provides an overview of what was shared from the last group and the new group is invited to build upon the previous groups insights. [...] The guide also provides tips for table facilitators (including working with the planning team to learn about the purpose of the café and discussing who should be invited to participate; welcoming participants as they enter; clearly explaining the purpose of the cafe; explaining café etiquette and guidelines, including on chart paper or through handouts at the table). [...] Ready? 5:00 on the clock! Challenge Brainstorm: Challenge Selection Now that you have a good list of challenges to choose from, talk to your group members to select one challenge to work on. [...] ENGAGEMENT METHODS 8 Write down the challenge you have selected here: Challenge Exploration Now, let’s work on really understanding the challenge Answer the following questions… Challenge Exploration Who is affected by this challenge? What is the most difficult thing about the challenge for your persona? How often does this challenge come up? How serious of a problem is the. [...] Answer the following questions… A New Virtual Way to Provide Care In this new model of care, what would be different about how care is provided? ENGAGEMENT METHODS 9 How would this help to solve the challenge for your persona? What about this solution would help to solve the challenge? What settings or places would implement this new model of care? Who are the important people for your p.



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