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abrdn plc - Spotlight on Personal Presentation transcript

21 Jul 2023

What do we mean by the behaviour and by the data? ii has higher balances than our competitors in this space because we operate a flat fee model and when we look at the capabilities, of which you will see today, the technology and the talent within the business who have been busy at work adding the advice model, you're going to see the journey of direct self-service and then assisted through advice. [...] The UK, the sixth largest economy in the world with the market size of about £4.6tn, the direct to consumer market being almost £300bn, of which ii, at the end of last year, had £54bn and by the end of Q1 had grown already to £56bn. [...] So, part of as we rotate through the business and structure and the rotation of the portfolio moves to be more organic dominated, that obviously changes the dynamic of the cross-sell and the penetration around other products and clearly, they're also more digitally enabled. [...] What's a bit more interesting in terms of Q1 and the track back and track forward is, not withstanding somewhat quieter market conditions, on the right-hand side of the chart you see this is the Q1 progression in terms of competitive market metrics and on the left-hand side, kind of a state of play in terms of our structure. [...] So, in terms of the user experience and expectation and the consumer norm, the UK was well behind the US and Asia in terms of the adoption, it's moving, and you get to different tipping points and the expectations about who's going to win versus lose will be more driven by centering experience around the app.


Emilio Bogarin

Published in
United Kingdom