cover image: Understanding FSMA’s Preventive Controls Rule:  - A GUIDE FOR GRAIN BUSINESSES


Understanding FSMA’s Preventive Controls Rule: - A GUIDE FOR GRAIN BUSINESSES

24 Aug 2021

Do you grow, harvest, store, or process food-grade grain or grain products? This resource may help you determine if you need to comply with the Food Safety Modernization Act’s Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule. Developed by the Artisan Grain Collaborative and Vermont Law School’s Center for Agriculture and Food Systems, “Understanding FSMA's Preventive Controls Rule: A Guide for Grain Businesses” empowers grain farmers, processors, and food manufacturers to understand and comply with federal food safety laws. The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which became law in 2011, has been the most sweeping overhaul of U.S. federal food safety laws in seven decades. For businesses conducting food processing and handling, a key component is the Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule (PCR), which requires them to evaluate possible food safety hazards, take action to prevent or reduce those hazards, and create monitoring systems to ensure the actions they take are effective. It can be challenging for small- and medium-sized farms, which are often multi-faceted businesses that store, process, distribute and market foods, to determine if and how the PCR applies to them.
Published in
United States of America
