cover image: The Pending Three-Year Provincial Action Plan Under The Canada-Saskatchewan Canada-wide Agreement


The Pending Three-Year Provincial Action Plan Under The Canada-Saskatchewan Canada-wide Agreement

6 Jul 2023

The main goals of the discussion with Saskatchewan ELCC stakeholders were two-fold: first, to gather their reflections on the first two years of system building under the Canada-wide agreement; and second, to seek their advice and direction on the priority areas for new policies and investments as part of the pending three-year provincial action plan (see Appendix B for the discussion questions). [...] The partners committed to share the results of the discussions with the provincial and federal governments, early learning and child care stakeholders and with the National Advisory Council on Early Learning and Child Care. [...] New funding models would be needed to support such changes to ensure the continued viability of child care programs, stability of the ECE workforce and that the pedagogy is appropriate for children in the early years. [...] The priority areas for new policies and investments to support quality The working conditions for ECEs continue to be challenging and contribute to staff leaving the field. [...] As a result of some of the behavioural challenges children are presenting with, the health and safety of ECEs and other children are in jeopardy, as well as the work of the ECEs.


Christopher Smith

Published in
