cover image: SUBMISSION TO Victoria’s Biosecurity Strategy


SUBMISSION TO Victoria’s Biosecurity Strategy

17 Aug 2023

Within the Executive Summary, the impact on our parks is highlighted but the impact on native plantlife, wildlife and ecosystems is omitted from the onset of the document. [...] Vision for the future of Victoria’s biosecurity system, biodiversity needs to highlighted The vision as a whole is ok, but there is a need for a specific line on the biodiversity values and how they are impacted and valued, much like the line on food and fibre. [...] There is a need for additional conservation-minded representatives in the reference group, with experience not only in the impacts of invasive species on local biodiversity but also the legislative requirements and interactions around threatened species recovery and 2 Protecting Victoria's Environment –Biodiversity 2037, The State of Victoria, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (2. [...] This further highlights the lack of acknowledgement of impacts on biodiversity within the consultation and planning around the biosecurity strategy and new Biosecurity Act. [...] Increased collaboration and coordination is always welcome and helps build capability and community ownership of programs and operations, but this must be more than matched by government to maintain and coordinate programs and operations by decreasing bureaucratric headaches for community and groups and organisations that are largely volunteer-based.
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