cover image: Scholarship Scheme Guide - July 2023


Scholarship Scheme Guide - July 2023

1 Aug 2023

One of the most important characteristics of the network should be the ability to engage companies in the insertion of young people who are currently NEET in the labour market. [...] One of the measures proposed internationally and that has a direct impact on the reduction of the number of students dropouts and reducing the number of NEET while improving the quality of public education is demand-side financing. [...] The mechanism for approving and distributing these scholarships is based at the local government and the decision is taken by the municipal council following proposals of the education unit of the local government. [...] Establishing a sustainable system of norms, procedures, criteria, and institutional and community responsibilities to reduce secondary school dropout and increase the level of education of young people remains a challenge for Albania, although steps have been taken to consolidate the educational system, to increase the qualifications and training of pedagogical staff, and to inform parents about f. [...] One of the study recommendations is to strengthen the role of the school psychologist and social worker in coordinating joint institutional efforts to identify and assess children at risk of school dropout.
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