cover image: Impact Evaluation of the 2014-2020 Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE


Impact Evaluation of the 2014-2020 Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE

23 Aug 2023

The evaluation focused on the changes that could be observed in relation to the programme's objectives, the extent to which these changes could be attributed to the programme, and the mechanisms of programme implementation that delivered the observed impact. [...] The report finds that notable positive progress has been achieved compared to the baselines for all the programme-specific result indicators, referring to the status of specific aspects targeted by each SO, such as the linkages among actors within the innovation systems, the capacity of the public and private sectors in developing employee skills and entrepreneurial abilities, the capacity of the. [...] At the same time, the pace of technological advances in the field and the financial capacity of the users to maintain the results also influence sustainability (AEQ10). [...] More specifically, the ToC builds on a detailed analysis of the intervention logic of the programme (as described in the programme documentation) and seeks to specify the causality assumptions on which the programme relies, i.e. [...] The evaluation matrix presented in Annex 1 indicates the contribution of each tool to the answering of the evaluation questions, considering the maturation of the tools during the Inception Phase and throughout the evaluation.



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