The impact of colonial-era laws criminalising male-to-male sex in Papua New Guinea Background - Colonial-era and other laws pertaining to male-to-male sex


The impact of colonial-era laws criminalising male-to-male sex in Papua New Guinea Background - Colonial-era and other laws pertaining to male-to-male sex

26 May 2023

The ‘proscribed forms of “deviant” sexuality—homosexuality and prostitution’ have lent themselves to many studies of state regulation and control of sexualities.2 In nineteenth-century England, the linkage of the two was the result of the construction of the wanton prostitute as the ‘other’ to the virtuous woman, and the homosexual as the ‘other’ to the heteronormative man.3 As one schooled and ex. [...] 1 Name, Shame and Blame: Criminalising Consensual Sex in Papua New Guinea role of poverty, discrimination and human rights abuses in spreading the HIV epidemic, and much of the focus of my work was on the incorporation of human rights and anti-discrimination principles into the draft. [...] Through the Window was the local rainfall pattern.34 An exceptional rainshadow along this part of the coast means that only scrawny sclerophyll eucalypts dot the harbour slopes and the plains beyond, and by the end of the dry season even the grass is dead. [...] Port Moresby today, showing the harbour at upper left, the original town site on the peninsula, the steep slopes of the coastal hills, the urban and suburban development inland to the east and the airport to the far right on the eastern edge of the city. [...] Percy Chatterton attributes the origins of the Papuan separatist movement of the early 1970s to the smaller size and compact character of this former British territory compared to that of New Guinea, and the impact of Sir Hubert Murray’s long rule as a paternalistic and protectionist Lieutenant-Governor.


Benjamin Hegarty

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