cover image: From: Sent: Cc: Subject: - This notice is to notify the recipient that the outstanding UEI(s) for its


From: Sent: Cc: Subject: - This notice is to notify the recipient that the outstanding UEI(s) for its

31 Aug 2023

In accordance with the SLFRF Financial Assistance Agreement, recipients and all subrecipients are required to obtain and maintain active Unique Identify IDs (UEIs) in for the duration of the period of performance of the SLFRF award. [...] Additionally, you must include your subrecipients’ UEIs in the SLFRF Project and Expenditure report which you are required to submit to the U. [...] Your subrecipients’ failure to obtain UEIs and/or missing UEIs in the required compliance reports may result in Treasury finding you noncompliant with the requirements of your SLFRF Financial Assistance Agreement. [...] This notice is to notify the recipient that the outstanding UEI(s) for its subrecipients must be provided in the Q3 quarterly Project and Expenditure report due no later than October 31, 2023 or the recipient may be found to be noncompliant with the requirements of the SLFRF Financial Assistance Agreement. [...] For information regarding the Terms and Conditions of the SLFRF Financial Assistance Agreement that you executed in connection with your SLFRF award, including questions relating to compliance requirements, please refer to your SLFRF Financial Assistance Agreement.


McDaniel, Laura

Published in
United States of America