cover image: Teacher Attrition: Why do Public Teachers Leave? - Yangchen C Rinzin


Teacher Attrition: Why do Public Teachers Leave? - Yangchen C Rinzin

8 Sep 2023

The attrition from the profession in this study refers to the exit of teachers from teaching in primary and secondary education in Bhutan. [...] (Presley, 2007) At the school level, attrition includes not only the departure of teachers from the profession2, but also the departure of teachers for teaching positions in other schools within or outside of the district and for non-teaching positions (Presley, 2007). [...] The rapid growth in education like increasing schools, student enrolment and the increasing number of staff has also added to the complex nature of educational organizations in general and the school system in particular. [...] Numbers of years served in the teaching 64 Teacher Attrition The research, purposefully, asked the respondents to fill in the number of years served in the teaching profession, in the profile section of respondents. [...] The monotony of the job (teaching over the same curriculum) was also agreed as one of the factors for leaving the job (refer Table 3).
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