cover image: HI-WISE_Report-Chapter4_Effects_of_a_Changing_Cryosphere_on_Biodiversity_and_EcosystemServices_and_Response_Options_in_the_HKH



24 Aug 2023

For example, about 80% of the The biodiversity of the HKH provides a wide range population of Nepal is dependent on forests and of ecosystem services and contributes, thereby, to agriculture for their livelihoods while around 26–39% the wellbeing of the people living in the region and of the country’s Gross Domestic Product comes from beyond. [...] region are water for household use, irrigation, and In addition to the contributions to society and electricity; wild and domesticated food, firewood, economy, the provisioning of freshwater from and forage; medicinal plants; and materials such glaciers, snow, ice, and permafrost also play a EFFECTS OF A CHANGING CRYOSPHERE ON BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES, AND RESPONSE OPTIONS IN THE HKH 13. [...] Furthermore, extreme drought in structure of populations and communities, led to significant changes in the start and end dates of densification, growth enhancement, physiological the growing season in the in the Yungui Plateau (Ge changes, and changes in biochemical processes. [...] EFFECTS OF A CHANGING CRYOSPHERE ON BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES, AND RESPONSE OPTIONS IN THE HKH 141 BIRDS extension of four agama lizards to higher elevations in Pakistan is partly attributed to the changing snow Changes in the patterns of the snow forming period cover of high-elevation areas in the western Himalaya and snow melting period of the cryosphere impact of the HKH (Khan et al.,. [...] The study distribution of Abies, Picea, and Juniperus species in predicted that the habitats of the Himalayan and the subalpine forest of the Minjiang headwater region Tibetan brown bears would lose over 34% and 32%, under current and future climate scenarios.
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