cover image: Protecting rangelands and preserving yak-herding traditions in the Kanchenjunga Landscape, Nepal


Protecting rangelands and preserving yak-herding traditions in the Kanchenjunga Landscape, Nepal

17 Aug 2023

In the Kanchenjunga Landscape (KL) in the eastern Himalaya, which spans parts of Bhutan, India and Nepal, rangelands are integral to the survival of culture as well as the livelihood of yak herders. [...] Therefore, Understanding the by weeds and shrubs, and the habitats of both prey and predators are it is important to involve yak herders in making and implementing shrinking as a result. [...] As many rangelands and traditional practices, supporting local economies, maintaining Landscape are crucial are under the community forestry regime, a ban on grazing – considered rangeland ecosystems, living with family, and curbing illegal activities can as one of the major drivers of deforestation and therefore banned in for the survival of help to increase the overall benefits of yak herding. [...] This has culture and the that highlight the cultures and traditions of yak herders can have financial comprise a unique direct consequences for yaks and yak herders. [...] The future of yak farming Pastoralism in crisis: Mounting challenges in from the perspective of yak herders and livestock herding system in high altitude region of Nepal.
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