cover image: Preparing for HCFC phase-out: Fundamentals of uses, alternatives, implications and funding for Article 5 countries


Preparing for HCFC phase-out: Fundamentals of uses, alternatives, implications and funding for Article 5 countries

12 Aug 2009

A wide variety of stakeholders with very different levels of technical knowledge, imple- mentation experience and exposure to the operational mechanisms of the Multilateral Fund will have to be engaged to achieve the phase-out of HCFCs. [...] Due to the highly technical nature of many of the issues, the guide cannot cover subjects in the level of detail available in specific publications, and it is not therefore intended to be a definitive document. [...] Someone familiar with the overall operation of the Multilateral Fund and the Montreal Protocol might want to understand a little more about the applications of HCFCs in refrigeration and air conditioning in order to understand a particular project proposal. [...] In the preparation of this document, the team made full use of the inputs generated dur- ing the Technical Workshop on HCFC phase-out, hosted by UNIDO in February 2008 and the Technical Meeting on HCFC phase-out, 5-6 April 2008, Montreal, Canada, sponsored by the European Commission and hosted by ICF International. [...] The publication also benefited from relevant information accumulated in the course of preparation and implementation of UNIDO’s ongoing projects funded by the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol.



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