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Exploring the linkages between climate change and migration in the Silk Routes Countries

15 Sep 2023

Building on the findings of the project SAMAC and the Budapest Process’ activity held in May 2021, this briefing paper aims to present an analysis on the latest developments in the field of climate- change related migration and displacement in the Silk Routes Region, comprising Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan. [...] The general consensus confirms that there is a link between climate change impacts and the shifting patterns and trends of human mobility, and the main pathways of impact are through worsening economic conditions and livelihoods.1 However, the magnitude of the impact and the type of movements influenced by climate change warrant more nuance, making predictions on the scale of migration much more d. [...] Exploring the linkages between climate change and migration in the Silk Routes Countries While these policies acknowledge the increasing significance of the issue in the national context, implementation of the plans is hindered by restricted funds and limited international cooperation received by the current regime to undertake developmental planning. [...] Table 6 Policy framework in Iran Title Consideration of climate-related migration and/or displacement Tehran Metropolitan Region Plan The plan was the first step toward the regionalisation of metropol- (2002) itan planning in Iran and focused on (1) modulating the location of activities and population in the future and (2) controlling and con- ducting the use of land. [...] As per the principles of climate justice, and within the purview of the seminal agreement on the Loss and Damage Fund in COP27 and other relevant frameworks, the governments of Silk Routes countries should be supported by international cooperation for developing adequate response strategies for managing climate-related displacement and to develop capacities to minimise the risks of displacement an.
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