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Testing the Online Community - Evaluation Report

30 Aug 2023

The report and the process of gathering the feedback aims to assess various aspects of the community, including accessibility and user-friendliness, networking tools, information sharing, cross-dissemination, and suggestions for improvement. [...] Through the questionnaire the users felt that it is quite easy to access and use the online community on different devices. [...] The access to the online course was easy for the participants but one user commented that it would be good to add short introduction of the course in the online community. [...] Feedback and suggesons for improvement The individual users gave some additional suggestions to develop the online community: One user pointed out that materials under the module named Additional reading, would be better to include to the information sharing module. [...] Participants liked the potential of the online community and participated in developing the community by providing some suggestions to improve the community.


Julia Syrén

Published in