The United Na ons Declara on on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) must be reflected in the NBSAP, including the principle of free, prior and informed consent and ar cle 9(j) of the Conven on on Biological Diversity (CBD) on respec ng, preserving and maintaining tradi onal knowledge, innova ons and prac ces for the conserva on and sustainable use of biological diversity. [...] Establish a new model of shared decision-making that upholds Indigenous jurisdic on and rights, and respects Indigenous leadership and knowledge in decisions related to biodiversity and land, freshwater and ocean stewardship, including those related to industrial extrac on and impacts. [...] Assist Canadian companies and markets in understanding and managing nature-related risks to their opera ons (Target 15) by expanding the terms of reference of the Sustainable Finance 1 195 State Par es to the UN Biodiversity Conven on have specifically endorsed and recommended the use of the mi ga on hierarchy as key to mainstreaming biodiversity in the energy, mining, and infrastructure sectors. [...] Increase funding and ac on to deliver on its responsibili es for freshwater monitoring, habitat protec on and restora on, pollu on preven on and reduc on, and enforcement resources. [...] Canada should support accessible formal and informal climate and biodiversity educa on in the Global South through interna onal biodiversity finance, par cularly for children and youth, and with greater a en on to the regions hardest hit by climate change and biodiversity loss.
- Pages
- 18
- Published in
- Canada