cover image: CADTH THERAPEUTIC REVIEW Optimal Pharmacotherapy for Transplant-Ineligible Multiple Myeloma: a

CADTH THERAPEUTIC REVIEW Optimal Pharmacotherapy for Transplant-Ineligible Multiple Myeloma: a

20 Sep 2023

This disclaimer and any questions or matters of any nature arising from or relating to the content or use (or misuse) of this document will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein, and all proceedings shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario, Canada. [...] 25 Graham Gauthier, MSc (CADTH) assisted with and contributed to the preparation of the clinical review, specifically for the 26 summary for the health-related quality of life outcome from the CADTH reimbursement reviews. [...] The names and 434 backgrounds of the two specialist members will be shared at the conclusion of the review to discourage attempts to directly lobby the 435 specialists. [...] 764 The exclusion of RCTs based on the risk-of-bias assessment (scenarios 2 and 3) and the exclusion of RCTs based on the definition 765 of PFS (scenarios 4 and 5) had only minor impact on the NMA results. [...] 768 Research Question 2: Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma 769 For the r/r MM population, the NMA conducted was based on the findings of HRs of PFS of the clinical review for r/r MM.


Amanda Allard

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