cover image: 2030 targets aligned to 1.5°C - Evidence from the latest global pathways


2030 targets aligned to 1.5°C - Evidence from the latest global pathways

29 Aug 2023

Generate more than 70% of electricity from renewables by 2030 The power sector is at the heart of climate action in the 2020s.14,15 Electricity and heat production was responsible for over a fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions in 2019,16 with the majority of this coming from coal-fired generation. [...] The world is badly off track in its efforts to address the climate crisis and deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement.38,39 Without immediate, rapid and sustained action, global temperatures will continue to rise, and climate impacts will continue to escalate across the world. [...] An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change. [...] The most recent global pathways show faster renewables deployment and fossil phaseout in the power sector than pathways included in the SR1.5,46 which demonstrates the development of integrated assessment modelling over the past four years that we seek to capture in our filtered set. [...] The one exception to this step is the Low Energy Demand pathway.47 The reason for this is that the transition dynamics represented in this scenario have not been repeated in other pathways in the IPCC AR6 database.


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