cover image: Grassroots Voices: Women and Everyday Peacebuilding in Yemen


Grassroots Voices: Women and Everyday Peacebuilding in Yemen

30 Apr 2023

Many women cited restrictions on travel, notably the need for a male guardian (mahram), the need to maintain segregation, the impossibility of spending late hours at work, the innate skepticism of women working in the promotion of peace, the misleading religious discourse by some sheikhs, and the weak support provided by the family as just some of the restrictions imposed on women. [...] In Ibb, a participant defined peace as “security in one’s environment, the opposite of war, and a culture of engaging in civil life.”[38] For a female respondent from Sana’a, peace was “to be reassured in my house, in my neighborhood, on my street, in my movements, entries, and exits,”[39] while another noted how she was scared to send her daughter to the grocery shop because of the lack of safety. [...] One respondent from Sana’a said, “basic necessities of life and livelihood are now the main concern in Yemen, and not peace, the culture of peace, the spreading of peace, or the concept of peace, meaning that it is not appropriate to talk about spreading peace and other concepts related to peace when most of the people are struggling to make ends meet.” [51] The politicization of peace by the warr. [...] In his words, “we decided to start involving women in projects like that […] the women gained the trust of the villagers, so they provided the women with all the information and data required to help in implementing the project that would benefit the village.”[105] [102] Female participant in a focus group discussion in urban Hadramawt, March 5, 2022 [103] Maha Awadh and Nuria Shuja’Adeen, “Women. [...] ° Design and implement programs that engage male members of the family and male local community leaders to raise awareness around the cultural, political, and psychological barriers that hinder women’s full participation in the community, and the contribution of women in peacebuilding.
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