cover image: A message from OSSTF/FEESO President Karen Littlewood


A message from OSSTF/FEESO President Karen Littlewood

22 Aug 2023

Founded in 1919, your union represents more than 60,000 anglophone and francophone education workers and teachers in more than 150 Bargaining Units across Ontario in public and Catholic schools, including members who work in the university sector and in independent education programs. [...] The future of our union is only as strong as the membership’s belief and trust in the organization, and to maintain that trust, we commit to doing this work together. [...] Our solidarity extends to equity and sustainability work we support through our International Assistance program and other partnerships, including membership in Education International, the Canadian Labour Congress, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, the Ontario Federation of Labour, and th. [...] This brings with it the power of solidarity in the face of oppression, and to our fight for better working and living conditions for all. [...] We continue to work with allies and coalitions in other parts of the world to learn of and resist the threats of privatization in public education that are finding their way into the province.


Fenn, Gary

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