cover image: UNLEASHING AI - The AI Arms Race



5 Sep 2023

In Europe, it was associated with the rise of fundamentalism, with the challenge to the status quo leading to the Bonfire of the Vanities, burning, and banning of books and inquisitions. [...] Source: IBM The early winners in the AI race Looking into the market performance of the leading firms in AI, one can observe that the growth in the S&P 500 index in the first half 2023 largely came from firms that produce core components of AI technologies. [...] GDP by the end of 2030.18 In a separate study on the same subject, OpenAI estimates that by the end of the decade the costs to train large scale models will reach $500 million — significantly different from the estimates from independent researchers (Figure 10).19 The reasons for these large disparities emerge due to the approaches used in the extrapolation process of each study. [...] Some support that this time will come before the end of the 2020s and others in early 2030s Source: Lohn and Musser (2022), Open-Source Code and Competition The Linux moment for AI and the reasons Open-source code has played a significant role in the development of machine- behind it learning models from the early days of the Deep-Learning Era. [...] In June 2023, the European Parliament (EP) voted to adopt its own negotiating position on the AI Act, triggering discussions between the three branches of the EU — the European Commission, the Council, and the Parliament — to reconcile the three different versions of the AI Act, the so-called “trilogue” procedure.


Rush, Isis [ICG-CGI]

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United Kingdom