cover image: 8 September 2023 EM/2023/31


8 September 2023 EM/2023/31

8 Sep 2023

8 September 2023 EM/2023/31 Notification: Call for offers to host the technical support units for the IPBES task forces Dear IPBES members, observers and other interested stakeholders, The Plenary, at its tenth session, held from 28 August to 2 September 2023, approved the revised terms of reference of the task forces on capacity-building; on knowledge and data management; on Indigenous and local. [...] In the same decision, the Plenary requested the secretariat, in consultation with the Bureau and in accordance with the approved budget set out in the annex to decision IPBES-10/3, to establish the institutional arrangements necessary to implement the technical support required for the work programme. [...] I am pleased to herewith invite Governments and relevant organizations to submit to the secretariat their offers to host the technical support units for the IPBES task forces, including: 1) technical support unit for the task force on capacity-building; 2) technical support unit for the task force on data and knowledge management; 3) technical support unit for the task force on Indigenous and loca. [...] As stated in the rolling work programme up to 2030 of IPBES, technical support for the implementation of the work programme is provided by the secretariat and, for some of the objectives, complemented by a technical support unit, as appropriate. [...] Interested Governments or relevant organizations are invited to submit their offer prepared according to the template provided here, enclosing the following attachments: 1) an application form, using the template provided here; 2) a copy of the certificate of registration of the entity which will host the technical support unit; and 3) a copy of the latest audited financial statement of the entity.


Anne Mwaura ( IPBES Secretariat )

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