cover image: September 25, 2023


September 25, 2023

22 Sep 2023

special rapporteurs, regarding the imprisonment and prosecutions of Lai in a formal communication sent to the Chinese government in March 2023, and their call on Chinese authorities to take all necessary interi. [...] However, given the urgency of the situation and the vulnerability of Lai’s health at his advanced age, we implore you to take further action. [...] Hong Kong authorities must also be held accountable for failing to respect fundamental rights, and the freedom of speech and of the press enshrined in the city’s Basic Law. [...] national, but also the people of Hong Kong, by taking additional measures and making a public statement calling on the Hong Kong government to release all journalists wrongly detained for their work and for exercising their right to freedom of expression. [...] We are confident that your swift and resolute action will make a significant impact on the pursuit of justice and the preservation of media freedom in Hong Kong.


Katy Migiro

Published in
United States of America