cover image: Annual Impact Report 2022–23


Annual Impact Report 2022–23

21 Sep 2023

continue to defend these special places campaign, Victoria’s Minister for Planning We coordinated a community response and the wildlife and communities that unequivocally rejected the majority to the public consultation for the We've been successful in gaining of the proposed mountain bike tracks crossing that generated online and print a commitment from the Andrews depend on them. [...] As the growing threat of Parks Victoria, we celebrated the marine the Victorian Deer Control Community in the launch of the Decade of inappropriate industrialisations continues champions who snorkel, dive, survey, and Network, and a consistent and guiding Biosecurity, which will place the spotlight to risk this internationally important fend off threats to the marine life that voice in the writing. [...] From people and briefings on the end of native forest who want them to listen to the science logging, our new framework for Western and not to the pressures of damaging Port Bay and the deconstruction of the industries and lobby groups. [...] TOGETHER WE'LL CONTINUE TO GO ALL OUT TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF OUR SPECIAL PLACES, AND THE NATIVE WILDLIFE THAT RELY ON A HEALTHY, RESILIENT NATURE FOR THEIR SURVIVAL Our work protecting The Arnold Foundation Loftus-Hills Fund, a charitable fund In November 2022, we designed and distributed a set of 'protect nature Caroline Durré Fund, sub-fund of the account of the Lord Mayor's Charitable now'. [...] Give a true and fair view of the financial position as at 30 June 2023 and of the and highly respected president, Bruce Campaigns performance for the year ended on that date of the Association.
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