cover image: Ceremonial Sitting of the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia the Honourable Justice Shariff September 2023


Ceremonial Sitting of the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia the Honourable Justice Shariff September 2023

14 Sep 2023

Please check against delivery Ceremonial Sitting of the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia to welcome the Honourable Justice Yaseen Shariff Speech delivered by Luke Murphy, President of the Law Council of Australia, Federal Court of Australia, Sydney. [...] I am honoured to appear on behalf of the Australian legal profession and in particular the Law Society of New South Wales to welcome your elevation to the bench. [...] However, the love of words you inherited from your mother and the logical mind from your father have provided the perfect foundation for entering the law. [...] It is a call that will require all the power of your acknowledged intellect, wisdom, compassionate understanding of the human condition and all of your humility in the service of the administration of Justice. [...] On behalf of the Australian legal profession, I congratulate Your Honour on your appointment and the profession looks forward to the valuable contribution you will continue to make to the administration of justice in this country for the benefit of our community– and I of course wish Your Honour a Happy Anniversary on your arrival 38 years ago and state the obvious that our community is better for.



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