cover image: THE VOICE, CHOICE, AND ACTION FRAMEWORK - A Conservation Practitioner’s Guide to Indigenous


THE VOICE, CHOICE, AND ACTION FRAMEWORK - A Conservation Practitioner’s Guide to Indigenous

3 May 2022

We commit to and invite all other conservation organizations and practitioners to respect and uphold human rights standards including the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other relevant conventions, apply and monitor social and environmental safeguards, and appropriately support the governance, knowledge systems, and self-determined sustainable visions of current and future g. [...] We commit to uphold and fully respect the distinct and differentiated rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and collaborate along shared principles and best practices to support, to the best of our abilities, the self-empowerment of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and their leadership and guidance in the inclusive and effective conservation of biodiversity, sustainable develo. [...] Social-ecological system refers to the integrated concept of humans-in-nature, and emphasizes the linkage between the natural environment and social systems dealing with property rights, resource tenure systems, systems of knowledge pertinent to environment and resources, and world views and ethics concerning environment and resources.15 A CONSERVATION PRACTITIONER’S GUIDE TO INDIGENOUS AND COMMUN. [...] Strong Leadership, Governance, and Management Capacity Refers to the multiple capacities of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to lead decision making about lands, waters, and resources; maintain clear and equitable rules and processes for management of natural resources; and the skills, knowledge, and technology to engage in forums, administrate business and finances, and manage natural sys. [...] 20 THE VOICE, CHOICE, AND ACTION FRAMEWORK The VCA Framework: Understanding and Putting into Practice the Pillars and Foundational Elements This section describes the knowledge and evidence underpinning the VCA Framework, how this touches down in practice, and a small set of actionable tools and resources that have been curated as key to supporting the implementation of the VCA Framework.
Published in
United States of America
