cover image: Advancing Comprehensive Action on Marine Biodiversity


Advancing Comprehensive Action on Marine Biodiversity

2 Dec 2022

Urgent and comprehensive ocean action to address global and local stressors that contribute to this decline, like climate change, pollution and overfishing is needed to halt biodiversity loss and maintain the benefits that a healthy ocean provides. [...] Transformation Area Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework Comparing the ocean action agenda to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework The Ocean Panel’s agenda, Transformations, identifies a set of bold, yet pragmatic recommendations to transform how to protect and use the ocean over the next decade through transformative actions across these 5 key areas: Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Health. [...] The Ocean Panel’s agenda relates to the following Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework targets: Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 1 Ensure biodiversity-inclusive Protect 30% of the ocean and land spatial planning across all land 3 by 2030. [...] Ocean Equity Ocean Finance Ocean Equity Ocean Health Ocean Wealth Ocean Equity Ocean Finance Ocean Health Ocean Wealth Ocean Equity Ocean Panel Action on Biodiversity Only through the effective protection and holistic, integrated and sustainable management of 100% of ocean areas can marine biodiversity continue to be the foundation of healthy and productive ecosystems upon which we all depend. [...] ambition to ‘sustainably manage 100% of ocean areas Norway is devoting substantial resources to seabed mapping through the MAREANO within national jurisdictions’ programme to expand knowledge around is key to enabling effective the habitats and species in their marine ocean protection for the benefit areas and about the pressures exerted by of nature and people.
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United States of America