cover image: How big is the Net Zero financing gap? - September 2023


How big is the Net Zero financing gap? - September 2023

25 Sep 2023

Some studies suggest that private sectors Research indicates larger future growth in private climate concerted climate action and investment could add net To rise to these challenges, both public and private finance than public finance, given the amount of private capital USD43tn to the global economy – equivalent to a rise of actors will need to increase their ambition, efficacy, and in the globa. [...] If international public finance is to deliver the impact required, the focus will need to shift to increasing the effectiveness of the way this public money is deployed, as well as to the World Bank Group71 (WBG) Achieve an average of 35% of climate finance for the quantity of the financing itself.62 WBG from 2021 to 2025. [...] But the fact that many national governments are international debate over whether linking climate investment In the EU, the Russia-Ukraine war has led to the recommitting to climate action in the face of competing to the broader UN Sustainable Development Goals could development of the REPower EU plan, which is estimated budget priorities and political constraints in reallocating provide a solutio. [...] BNEF estimates that clean energy factory investment and manufacturing for climate solutions (such as parts needs to increase by 58% to USD125bn annually from Given the investment required to scale sectors and and materials for solar panels) is another investment trend 2027 to 2030.120 The IEA estimates that the market for technologies described in Section 2 and the limitations of that is likely to. [...] in clean energy manufacturing in 2022, a 44% increase USD650bn by 2030.121 With the support of public finance and policy, businesses on 2021 and a fourfold rise compared to 2018.119 Of this Net Zero set to triple demand for key minerals and private investors may be able to take advantage of the figure, 58% and 30% of the investment went to battery multi-trillion-dollar opportunity, although furthe.
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United States of America
