cover image: Scoping Study on Enhancing Food Security and Nutrition and Managing Risks and Shocks in Asia and the Pacific Through Support to Social Protection Systems – Regional Synthesis


Scoping Study on Enhancing Food Security and Nutrition and Managing Risks and Shocks in Asia and the Pacific Through Support to Social Protection Systems – Regional Synthesis

21 Sep 2023

This synthesis report presents an updated analysis of the social protection landscape in Asia and the Pacific and identifies priorities for enhancing both food security and nutrition and improving responses to risks and shocks. It draws on scoping studies commissioned by WFP exploring social protection in eight countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka and Tajikistan) and one sub-region (Pacific Island Countries)
nepal pakistan cambodia philippines sri lanka samoa kiribati vanuatu solomon islands tonga tajikistan reports nutrition lao people's democratic republic social protection and safety nets


WFP, University of Wolverhampton

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