This submission reflects the positions of RUN institutions, and in doing so, also aims to represent the views of those students and communities which RUN universities serve; the one-third of Australians who live outside of metropolitan centres in Regional, Rural and Remote locations. [...] RUN notes that this is the first year TEQSA has been operating on a model of increased cost recovery and appreciates that the focus of this year’s review is to ensure the accuracy of assumptions made when the model was first introduced. [...] In addition, members appreciate the reduction in the amount of charged for monitoring of compliance with conditions attached to the registration of a provider, in recognition that the 2022 version of the Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) over-estimated these charges. [...] BASIS FOR ESTABLISHING CHARGES Recognising the need for TEQSA’s proposed application-based fees to reflect the nature and extend of services, RUN advocates for more clarity and transparency regarding the proposed fees as well as the evidence that the amount being charged is appropriate for the work. [...] RUN RECOMMENDS: TEQSA consider introducing Service Level Agreements 3 TEQSA FEES AND CHARGES BROADER TEQSA PAYMENT MECHANISMS RUN note that this year’s review by TEQSA has focused on ensuring the accuracy of assumptions made in establishing the 2022 version of the CRIS, and appreciate the emphasis on ensuring fees fairly reflect the cost of delivery.
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