cover image: Submission to Support for Students Policy Consultation


Submission to Support for Students Policy Consultation

15 Sep 2023

OVERVIEW RUN supports the intent of the Guidelines to (HESP) review of the Threshold Standards enhance and safeguard the student experience in relation to student support the timing across higher education providers and ensure for developing the Guidelines is potentially that student support, success and wellbeing premature. [...] While supportive of the intent of Finally, RUN has concerns about the the Guidelines, RUN welcomes the opportunity information that is being placed in the to provide input in their development and Guidelines relative to what is established in the raise issues that we urge the Government to Higher Education Support Act (HESA). [...] RUN welcome the news that the Minister for Education has requested that HESP review the application of the Threshold Standards in relation to student support and whether the findings from the HESP 2018 report – Improving Retention, Completion and Success in Higher Education – have been implemented and the impact of those findings. [...] How do we ensure that the Code and the new arrangements work together effectively? RUN is of the opinion that most universities, if not all, would be providing the same level of support for domestic and international students, so would already be meeting the requirements of providers specified in the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018. [...] What practical considerations need to be taken into account in implementing the Guidelines ? The expectation for universities to meet the requirements of the Guidelines by the start of the 2024 academic year raises concerns about the feasibility of the timeline.
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