cover image: Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) sector survey findings - About the survey


Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) sector survey findings - About the survey

25 Aug 2023

Limitations to expanding services The first part of the survey focused on general feedback on the OSHC sector and what respondents identified as limitations to expanding their services. [...] Respondents consistently described, in their comments to the survey, the challenge of employing enough qualified staff to meet the demand of their service. [...] Respondents’ concerns related to the ability of a governing council to understand and execute both the business and regulatory requirements of OSHC operations. [...] OSHC Directors do not have the power to make decisions that are in the best interest of the OSHC even though they are the most experienced and knowledgeable people in the profession.” “…believe there is a lack of understanding by the school of the requirements from regulatory boards. [...] OSHC sector survey findings In response to the question of how OSHC could be expanded to preschool children more broadly, the Commission noted the responses were consistently of the view that a separate offering for preschool children was the most appropriate way to offer this service.


Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care

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