This chapter chronicles the history of racial discrimination and non-recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within the Constitution, and the use of the fiction of terra nullius to justify the taking and occupation of their lands. [...] Governance and political participation Chapter 7 discusses the historical exclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from participation in the processes of government in Australia—nationally, in the States and Territories, and in local government—and the perceived lack of accountability of the institutions of government to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who constitut. [...] Chapter 10 addresses the three issues most frequently raised with the Panel in relation to the referendum: the need for simplicity of proposals for recognition, the timing of the referendum and the general lack of public knowledge about the Constitution. [...] Before making a decision to proceed to a referendum, the Government should consult with the Opposition, the Greens and the independent members of Parliament, and with State and Territory governments and oppositions, in relation to the timing of the referendum and the content of the proposals. [...] Immediately after the Panel’s report is presented to the Prime Minister, copies should be made available to the leader of the Opposition, the leader of the Greens, and the independent members of Parliament.
Mentioned Organizations
- Pages
- 20
- Published in
- Australia