cover image: Podcast: Bio: Episode description and resources:


Podcast: Bio: Episode description and resources:

28 Aug 2023

One of the first moments that illustrated the challenges of access to care for people who live in remote communities was when I was a child, and my father and I accompanied a pilot of a float plane on a mail run. [...] For the next portion of this episode, I am going to highlight some stories and resources that really triggered and broadened my understanding and interest in the topic of Indigenous health and resilience and list some places to go if you want to learn more. [...] I would like to first comment on the amazing strength of all of the Indigenous leaders and allies in this field working to improve health and wellness for Indigenous people. [...] So often, the focus is on the health disparities and the reasons for them, which is so important to discuss, but I am also passionate about highlighting all the accomplishments of leaders in this field and bringing attention 4 to the resilience of Indigenous peoples. [...] My intention with this podcast is that some of these episodes are helpful in educating and changing the perspective of my peers such that they can work on their cultural safety and humility skills and are better prepared to provide care to Indigenous patients and work in Indigenous communities.


Teri Delaney

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