cover image: Abstract Book Front/Back Pages


Abstract Book Front/Back Pages

12 Sep 2023

93 Situating suicide deaths within the broader context of under-reporting and mis-reporting of deaths in India ................................................................................................................................9 3 Self-harm and suicide prevention in Ghana: collecting and improving high-quality actionable data ............................................................. [...] 186 The gift of peer understanding and suicide bereavement support groups: A qualitative study186 Barriers and facilitators to accessing formal supports following suicide bereavement: a survey of adults bereaved by suicide in Ireland .......................................................................................1 87 The Canadian Suicide Exposure Study: Support Needs and Experiences Followi. [...] 196 Early impacts of the ‘National Suicide Prevention Trial’ on trends in suicide and hospital admissions for self-harm in Australia. [...] 230 Constructing suicide in the research process ..............................................................................2 31 A Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Exploring Different Perspectives on the Phenomenon of Suicide Recovery in Developing a Recovery-Focused Suicide Management Program ......................... [...] 236 The use of data and research in regional suicide prevention planning: The Illawarra Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Collaborative and the South-East New South Wales Primary Health Network.


Lauren Betts

Published in
United States of America