cover image: The Effect of Intra- African Immigration on Productivity in Africa


The Effect of Intra- African Immigration on Productivity in Africa

24 Aug 2023

The Effect of Intra- African Immigration on Productivity in Africa By Blaise Gnimassoun Research Paper 535 Bringing Rigour and Evidence to Economic Policy Making in Africa A F R I C A N E CO N O M I C R E S E A R C H CO N S O R T I U M CONSORTIUM POUR L A RECHERCHE ÉCONOMIQUE EN AFRIQUE The Effect of Intra-African Immigration on Productivity in Africa By Blaise Gnimassoun University of Lorraine, B. [...] The findings, opinions and recommendations are those of the author, however, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Consortium, its individual members or the AERC Secretariat. [...] Published by: The African Economic Research Consortium P. [...] Contents List of tables. [...] vi List of abbreviations and acronyms.
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