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4 Oct 2023

CSSA’s work is underpinned by Catholic Social Teachings principles: solidarity, the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, the rights of workers, the dignity of work, and protection and care for the environment. [...] This Bill will help to improve labour standards in our sector, but only to the extent that current funding models are reformed to reflect the true value of the work being undertaken and required and the true cost of providing quality administration to support that work. [...] These formulas typically result in funding that falls significantly short of the actual cost of providing the quality of services required.3 Overall, CSSA views this Bill as a very important initiative, particularly because of its capacity to assist the most vulnerable of workers in the Australian Labour market, many of whom work in the care and support economy. [...] CSSA strongly encourages the Senate Committee to recommend to the Senate the passing of the Bill in its entirety. [...] Improving the terms of the employment relationship for these workers can reasonably be expected to also improve the quality of care for the hundreds of thousands of persons and families in need who access the services of CSSA member organisations.


John Mikita

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