cover image: Gender-Mainstreaming Action Plan for Inclusive


Gender-Mainstreaming Action Plan for Inclusive

3 Aug 2023

This analysis should cover the entire food value chain, from production to consumption, and should identify the different roles and responsibilities of men and women, and the constraints and opportunities they face. [...] 2.0 ACTION PLAN 2: 2.1 Develop, review and revise Gender-Sensitive Policies and Programs: Timeline: 2024 – 2025 Based on the results of the gender analysis, develop gender-sensitive policies and programs that address the specific needs and constraints of women and men in the food system. [...] Networking and knowledge sharing activities: Evaluate the participation and engagement of institutions and individuals in networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration platforms focused on gender and food systems. [...] Gender Responsive Monitoring and Evaluation: Existence and functionality of monitoring and evaluation systems: Evaluate the establishment and effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation systems to assess the impact of interventions on women’s market access and value chain integration. [...] 26 By prioritizing adopting and adapting gender-responsive agricultural technologies and innovations, the gender action plan can empower women farmers and producers, enhance their productivity and income, and contribute to sustainable and inclusive food systems in Africa.
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