cover image: Technological Change Case Study Hi-Alloy Castings Company Profile


Technological Change Case Study Hi-Alloy Castings Company Profile

11 Sep 2023

Despite these developments, The aim of the Technological the team in conjunction with the majority shareholder stabilised the Change and Innovation company, brought it out of business rescue, and in the process has begun to System Observatory project turn Hi-Alloy Castings into a “learning factory”. [...] The security guard on night duty also performs the function of the night shift When the company supervisor and monitors what happens during the night shift as the foundry is a 24-hour operation. [...] The shop stewards, who are very much part of the decision- managers resigned, making processes in the company, are on board with this and understand the resulting in a need for everyone to pull together to ensure the survival of the company. [...] 4 IMPACT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES ON THE BUSINESS The impact of introducing new systems and processes, and a commitment to digitalising, has contributed to the growth and success of the business: • The company has been able to move out of business rescue and is now stable. [...] The new focus of the company is not only to drive out the culture of blaming but to empower workers (who have the knowledge) and allow them to take ownership of their work.


janet wilhelm

Published in
South Africa