cover image: POLICY BRIEF - The Echoes of Conflict: Analyzing the Potential Impacts of the Russia-


POLICY BRIEF - The Echoes of Conflict: Analyzing the Potential Impacts of the Russia-

5 Oct 2023

Our study analyzes the potential repercussions of the war on 44 African nations, focusing on the resulting surges in global prices of food, oil, and fertilizers. [...] The echoes of coNflicT: ANAlyziNg The PoTeNTiAl imPAcTs of The rUssiA-UkrAiNe WAr oN AfricA 3 Key findings During the first quarter of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, global prices of oil, food, and fertilizers rose by 15%, 8%, and 24%, respectively (Figure 1). [...] o As with the oil price shock, the domestic purchasing power of the U. [...] The echoes of coNflicT: ANAlyziNg The PoTeNTiAl imPAcTs of The rUssiA-UkrAiNe WAr oN AfricA 5 • Encourage Local Fertilizer Production: The sharp increase in fertilizer prices necessitates a shift towards local production. [...] The findings, opinions and recommendations are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Consortium, its individual members or the AERC Secretariat; neither do they reflect the views of IDRC or its Board of Governors.
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