cover image: Hotting Up - How we get to net zero in a way that brings people with us


Hotting Up - How we get to net zero in a way that brings people with us

28 Sep 2023

Given the shift in approach was grounded in the concerns of voters and consumers, it is important to understand the nuances and contradictions in public attitudes to net zero. [...] Much more of a priority among the public is the cost of living (67%), the NHS (50%), and the state of the economy (40%), followed by immigration (27%) in a distant fourth. [...] Increased global demand and price of energy The cost of the conflict in Ukraine Brexit and trade barriers with the EU Debt due to Covid-19 and lockdowns Businesses raising prices to increase profit Global food and resource shortages Decisions made by the Bank of England Supply chain disruption during Covid-19 Increase cost of housing in the UK Increased taxes in the UK, like National Insurance The. [...] Members of the public are unable to afford the changes Members of the public do not want to change their lifestyle The Government doesn't want to spend money Businesses are too invested in the status quo and don't want to change Businesses have been struggling with political and economic uncertainty The Government wants to leave it as a problem future governments will have to fix The Government is. [...] I will not pay for any home and lifestyle changes that I must make, it is the Government’s job to shoulder all Net Zero costs I am happy to pay for some of the home and lifestyle changes that I must make for the UK to reach Net Zero, but I expect the Government to help with most of the costs of these changes I am happy to pay for some of the home and lifestyle changes that I must make for the UK t.


Onward Office

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United Kingdom