cover image: POLICY BRIEF - Maputo Corridor, Regional and Continental Integration to Mitigate Food Insecurity from


POLICY BRIEF - Maputo Corridor, Regional and Continental Integration to Mitigate Food Insecurity from

5 Oct 2023

What is the context of the problem? Mozambique is highly food-insecure, ranked 94th globally and 37th in Africa1, with prevalence of severe food insecurity above 40% since 2017 and episodes of very steep upward structural breaks in food price series corresponding to the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukraine war. [...] MaPUto corridor, regioNal aNd coNtiNeNtal iNtegratioN to Mitigate food iNsecUrity 3 and South Africa and 7% and 5% of fertiliser to Mozambique (2018) and South Africa (2020) respectively4. [...] A good proportion of food and food-inputs imports to the two countries come from the Maputo corridor, SADC, rest of Africa and rest of the World. [...] Precisely, South Africa and Mozambique would do well to improve food security through the development and facilitation of trade linkages within the Maputo corridor, and by effective trade integration into SADC, and the rest of Africa in the light of the African continental free trade agreement. [...] The findings, opinions and recommendations are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Consortium, its individual members or the AERC Secretariat; neither do they reflect the views of IDRC or its Board of Governors.
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