cover image: OCCASIONAL PAPER – No. 04/2023 - The Economic Impacts of the Proposed EUCS Exclusionary


OCCASIONAL PAPER – No. 04/2023 - The Economic Impacts of the Proposed EUCS Exclusionary

16 Oct 2023

Recent trade data reveals that the total value of EU exports in digital and digitally enabled services to the rest of the world is roughly equivalent to the total value of EU imports from the rest of the world. [...] It is a stated ambition of the EU to champion its trade interests using core principles of the rules-based international trading system.22 As prominently stated in the EU’s “Regulation on the free 昀氀ow of non-personal data in the European Union”, the EU wants to ensure free 昀氀ow of data in the EU, allowing companies and public administrations to store and process non-personal data wherever they ch. [...] The Signi昀椀cance of Cloud Services in Facilitating Trade The importance of data and the economic bene昀椀ts from exchanging data across-borders have been widely discussed in numerous publications.32 Studies explicitly quantifying the impact of data and cross-border data on the global economy exist but are less frequent.33 The OECD, UNCTAD, and other organisations both at a national and supranational. [...] Recent trade data demonstrates that total EU exports of digital and digitally enabled services to the rest of the world roughly match the value of total EU imports from the rest of the world (see Figure 3). [...] I mpacts of Measures That E昀昀ectively Require Data Localisation in the EU The overall economic impacts of cloud data localisation measures tend to be complex and depend on various factors, including the state of development of the economy, international economic interdependencies, and the adaptability of cloud users and cloud providers.
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