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10 Oct 2023

The to the Select Committee noted that the “UN Population Award, UN General Assembly established the Award in 1981, and an affirmation of the international community, is presented to was first presented in 1983. [...] We supported parliamentarians through the Parliamentary We recommit to doubling our efforts in enabling policymakers Caucus for Population and Sustainable Development and and other development actors to access and use evidence to the Health Committee to champion various issues, including design, implement, and monitor the performance of policies 8 INSTITUTIONAL and programs. [...] However, despite The data and evidence the African institute for Development the benefits countries across Africa are yet to devote the Policy (AFIDEP) synthesised, reveal glaring gaps in the health necessary resources for the desired change. [...] need to provide subsidies and tax exemptions or reducing the cost of SRHR commodities will enable vulnerable women and In Kenya, for example, during the 2023/ 24 financial year, girls (like the refugees and those living in urban poor areas) to of the Ksh 141.2 billion allocated to the healthcare sector afford reproductive healthcare services. [...] The media have a moral obligation to reflect the for and in the media be why fewer issues on women diversity of the voices and interests of the communities that host get reported, making media consumers think less of them.
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