cover image: The City is the Project The work and impact of Bristol Ideas 1992–2023


The City is the Project The work and impact of Bristol Ideas 1992–2023

10 Oct 2023

the city, through the ongoing Bristol Legible City project, which started in the mid-1990s Bristol Ideas’ ability to adapt and respond to and continues today – and the less tangible the challenges that it has faced over the last assets of the city. [...] And that was the ironic thing, that the northern cities Whilst the Capital of Culture bid was and the largest cities outside London built ultimately unsuccessful, the planning that part of their economic success on the was put into the bid sowed the seeds for the back of having an excellent cultural brand, next phase of Bristol Ideas’ work. [...] 21 The other strand of events took as their starting point events in Bristol’s history, such as the 200th anniversary of the birth of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the 800th anniversary of Bristol’s first mayor, and commemoration of locally and nationally important events such as the centenary of the start of the First World War. [...] The project enabled Bristol Ideas to examine the meaning of aviation production for the people who had worked at the Bristol Aviation Company, and an assessment of where the aerospace industry goes next in terms of the need for environmental sustainability and in the face of some opposition in the city. [...] Hispaniola sails from the city and it allowed learning, discussion and debate about Bristol In reviewing the work of Bristol Ideas and and trade, the British Empire, and the trade in through the series of interviews that have enslaved people.
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