cover image: AFRICAN  - INDEX 2023



19 Oct 2023

Human well-being, the ultimate goal of economic transformation in Africa and one of the core inputs measured by the index, has improved since the turn of the century— not everywhere, of course, but enough for the data to show an encouraging trend. [...] The country took advantage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act and Multi-Fiber Act of 2004 to deepen the country’s domestic supply chains for textiles and garments and the processing of other non-extractive goods, reflecting an increasing diversification of the country’s exports. [...] Journalists can use the ATI to access and analyze data at the continental and national levels, generate stories and insights on the achievements and challenges of economic transformation in Africa, compare and contrast different countries, and engage with experts and stakeholders. [...] Some data gaps that need to be addressed and improved include: (i) the availability and quality of data on some indicators and countries; (ii) the timeliness and frequency of data updates; (iii) the consistency and comparability of data across sources and countries; (iv) the disaggregation and granularity of data by sector and subsector; and (v) the coverage and representativeness of data for info. [...] The most significant gains came in the early 2000s, when the government made efforts to support the development of technologies through the creation of the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies in 2002, as well as various measures to improve energy production, infrastructure development, and digitalization of the economy.
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