cover image: 13 All Party Committee on Basic Income In attendance:


13 All Party Committee on Basic Income In attendance:

28 Sep 2023

Discussion with Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation Community Centre Executive Directors • The Chair gave a brief overview of the purpose and work of the Committee. [...] o The lack of coordination of programs and supports makes it difficult for individuals to access the benefits they need, when they need them. [...] o Importance of government communicating with community partners both for government to ensure an accurate picture of how programs and services 2 are working and for community partners to understand government programs so they can best support clients. [...] o People on Income Support find it extremely difficult to leave the program because of the benefits associated with the program (particularly NLPDP) and the risk of challenges getting back on income support if they leave for work makes work risky. [...] • Committee members thanked the guests for their valued input, for agreeing to help the committee connect with people with lived experience and for their ongoing commitment to supporting individuals and families.


Ryan, Renee C.

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